Auralic Aries Mini vs Bluesound Node ll vs Sonos

Wondering if anyone has experience with either the node ll or the mini. Looking for a possible upgrade from Sonos for streaming Deezer Elite. I've read the interface on the mini only works with Ipad. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Well I just sprang for an Auralic Aries Mini found a nearly new one here with an ssd drive installed for a good price it arrives tomorrow. No issues with my Sonos except for one, the 2.4ghz network here, downtown DC, is massively crowded leading to dropouts particularly on weekend and peak evening hours. The 5ghz band is relatively uncrowded and much faster and the Aries can run on 5ghz. So I'll see how it sounds vs Sonos and compare the functionality. I have an iphone to run the Lightning DS app any word on a web based controller?
FWIW, I purchased a Bluesound Node 2 about a month ago. It replaced my Mac mini (2012, i7, 256GB SSD, 16GB RAM) and I couldn't be happier. It has equaled, if not surpassed, the mini in every aspect, including sound quality. Even the onboard DAC is pretty nice if you care to use it that way. On the whole, it's a pretty nice package at its price point. 
I've read that an iPod touch can be used with the Auralic. True?  Would I need any other IOS based hardware?
Well the Aries mini is here was super easy to setup, and sounds good. Also running on the 5ghz band rather than 2.4ghz not a single dropout yet! Like the lightning ds app also, controlling it with my phone now but should have an ipad mini 2 here tomorrow to take over those duties.
Just added the Sbooster power supply to the Aries mini what a nice upgrade! A little more $ than the Auralic Linear power supply picked mine up from Acoustic Sounds for $380, adds great flow and depth to the music. Also got my ipad mini another great product much better than using my phone. I have to say I am very happy all around better sound and better performance than my Sonos and I really like the Lightning DS controller app.