Diffuse Front Wall? Absorb rear wall?

I'll research existing threads, but quick basic question --- is it a basic tenet that I should use a diffusing approach for the front wall and an absorption for the rear wall behind my listening position? I bought a wall rug, put it on the front wall, and though it seemed to quiet the room down in some good ways, it seems to have sucked some of the energy and sparkle from the soundstage. thanks.
I previously had 4 pieces of RPG omnifussors at the rear wall. Shifted them to the front wall and placed CD racks at the rear wall. In other words, I had diffusion at both front and rear walls. I find this configuration to be better than having diffusion at front and absorption at the back behind the listening position. The sound is spread out more uniformly without losing energy especially in the high frequencies. I already have absorption at both side walls. Too much absorption kills the high frequencies, dynamics and soundstage. Used moderately will yield excellent results.
I replaced the Sonex foam I had with 3 diffusers (each 2' x 4') which I put next to one another along the front wall behind the speakers. My speakers are about 5' out from the front wall. The diffusers increase ambiance and I enjoy the change. It also increases strident sounds. I discovered that Cabledyne power cords cut down a lot of the strident sounds. ASC tube traps also help.
May I ask what fq. range diffuser do you use behind speakers? Currently I have 1 mounted behind each 34 1/2" tall speaker. Diffuser panels are 2x4’ raised 1’ above floor. This design is tested effective in the neighborhood of 3100 hz on up. Does this sound ok (no pun intended)? I'm a little limited with placement being that theres a wall mounted LCD 3' above floor level. 
ASC makes a model called the Martix Panel, designed for the wall behind the listening position, if the listener's head is within two feet of that wall. It provides a mix of absorption and diffusion, so as to not make for too dead a sound. Maggie owners use tall Ficus trees behind their speakers as diffusors, and then there are LP racks which are of some benefit at scattering sound.
Basic answer-yes. Maximum diffusion (phase+time) behind the speakers will allow you to best hear what your speakers produce. I like a combination of diffusion and absorption on the rear wall.