Hi azjake,
My good friend Ghosthouse made me aware of this thread and it reminded me of this ultimate thread. It may give you a few ideas.
Good luck and fun finding
Too many cans with no storage!
Hi azjake, My good friend Ghosthouse made me aware of this thread and it reminded me of this ultimate thread. It may give you a few ideas. http://www.head-fi.org/t/634201/battle-of-the-flagships-58-headphones-compared Good luck and fun finding |
Deer horns?! Unless she's 'into' 'rustic chic' and guns as well, that could be a disaster....and in that scenario, she might pull the trigger, literally. C'mon, guys....a drawer. Pad the bottom. Or behind a door in a cabinet that will have a high SAF. If 'the system' is in a 'common space', give the spouse a break. She's already tolerating that, and headphones (especially the more esoteric varieties) start to look like something that's used for a version of mind control. One in view, used frequently, is tolerable. Buy a nice stand in a material that 'goes with' the decor. Engage her with the selection options. She may respond in a fashion you might enjoy, but don't count on that...;) If you've got mountz' collection, you really should look into creating a 'man cave' for all of it, wave the white flag, and sue for peace. Just a friendly suggestion...*S* |