Pioneer Blu Ray Player BDP 05 FD

Hi, can someone please tell me if this is Pioneer's lastest and greatest model for the upcoming year or so? Does or is Pioneer going to be coming out with anything better soon? Sorry, I'm just not up to speed on their players. Thanks in advance.
The Yamaha would not light up the DTS MA light when playing from my PS3. It appears the 05 is bitstreaming.
Recently purchased (October 2011) an Elite VSX-52, which replaced older Denon AVR and two McIntosh amps for L/R front and center channels.

Believe me, the topic was extensively researched on the web and in stores for two months before a decision was reached. For now, we're Happy Campers as far as the VSX-52 is concerned.

I'm now contemplating the replacement of my JVC XV D-723 DVD player. An older, well built War Horse from 10 years ago that sports 6 Analog Outs (which I used to great advantage). Great sound and thousands of hours with absolutely no failures.

The question is: Elite BDP-05fd (stay in the "connected family") or Oppo BDP-93?

Extensive Web and Game connectivity is not an issue. We don't do MP-3 or Games at all.

We're a senior couple who are more into superb picture and spot-on audio (CD/DVD Audio/Theater-Quality5.1 Surround). The iPhone remote and other Apple connectivity via house wiring are a plus (Elite) but again, not at the top of the list. Currently using Roku for Netflix and Amazon Prime.

We really love our movies and BBC TV series. I've got a nice Music system upstairs with Klipsch Corner Horns for serious listening so only use the VSX-53 for casual background jazz or classical.

I know appearances can be deceiving but I can visualize two matching Elite boxes side by side. Other hand, the Oppo's minimalist design, attractively priced technology and superb build (20+ pounds) are also appealing.

Any thoughts from both sides (actual Elite and Oppo users)? I've an open mind and am not married to Pioneer. Gotta say I'm glad the Sharp relationship has gone bye-bye.

Thanks in advance for any useable data.

I can't speak for the 05 ,but I did have the 51fd same model but not elite . I went for the Oppo 95 (I'm an analog out user) and as far as reliability and sheer musical bliss are concerned, the Oppos shine. I loved the 51fd while I had it ,but reliabilty made me look else where! If you use hdmi for audio , scoop up the Oppo 93 it s a lot of machine for the money.

Hope this helps
So an Oppo 93 or a Oppo 95 will sound better and have better picture quality than the Pioneer 05 using hdmi? I don't use analog out.
The 93 or 95, does have the better video dac! As for sound I think you would be splitting hairs between the Oppo's and the Pioneer via hdmi. Others may be able to comment on the differences on the sound !