Considering your opening short list you're getting terrific advise from some of the most respected people who frequent this site.
You mentioned the possibility of using this gear for TV or Home Theater. The quality and service history of both manufactures is without question.
I strongly suggest you carefully consider just how much TV you and your family watch. Typically, it's usually much more than you think. A current $300 receiver and a set of Elac speakers will convey all the fidelity 99% of whats broadcasted and you won't ever worry if it's accidentally left on.
You mentioned the possibility of using this gear for TV or Home Theater. The quality and service history of both manufactures is without question.
I strongly suggest you carefully consider just how much TV you and your family watch. Typically, it's usually much more than you think. A current $300 receiver and a set of Elac speakers will convey all the fidelity 99% of whats broadcasted and you won't ever worry if it's accidentally left on.