I have the older Mits. 65' crt. It has the dvi input. Back when I had Voom Sat. service; with its dvi-out--I bought the necessary dvi cable and tried it.--No performance improvement was noted. (vs component)Now I have the SA 8300hd cable box. This box has the hdmi-out. I bought the hdmi to dvi adaptor. Again no improvement was noted.---So, I understand my situation.--My tv isn't pure digital so component works the same or better.
On my Sony Ruby,which is 1080p, hdmi works better.---With one exception. On standard dvds, my Arcam fmj27 has a better picture on component---than my Toshiba X1A;using hdmi.---Of course this is more about the dvd player being used than what cable form is being used.---So, component can be better; depending--.