Again as I mentioned before, I heard the Sabrina's with the wonderful ARC GSi75 tube integrated. It was just amazing. That integrated had an iron fist on the speakers and am still thinking about it since I heard the setup six-eight months ago. I've also heard the Sabrina's with the new D'Agostino solid state gear and it was also a great match. But I think the point at least several others are trying to make is, you, Rinpoche need to hear the Sabrina's with the amplification you are considering purchasing. Als comments are a good start, but the end of the story is whether you like the sound or not. It makes no difference if an amp can drive a speaker if you don't appreciate the sound they make together.
The comment made by the dealer that a "three way is a three way" is unfounded. For so many reasons included all that were named by Al. Many amps will drive many speakers but if they don't have the magic you are looking for you'll just be disappointed. Make sure, to the best of your ability, that you audition the specific components together you are considering purchasing so that you will know whether or not you are getting what you'd hoped for.
Finally, I heard my exact system in the store I bought from. When I got it home, well, lets just say I had a long way to go to get it most of the way there to how it sounded at the dealer. My room is not as big and most likely the power they had was better too. It is a big crap shoot but at least if you hear the components you want to run together in the same store at the same time you can attempt to make the best decision you can.
I do wish you the very best in your journey and that you end up with what your really desire to hear - music!