Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC

Hello, I am new to this forum but I have a question. I am trying to pair an amp + DAC with my Wilson Sabrinas. I have listened to Jeff Rowlands integrated with the Aeris DAC. And the VAC Sigma integrated with the Aeris DAC. Price is a factor and so is space. Does the 625 need a pre-amp? Any suggestions or thoughts? 
You are all so sweet. Thanks for pulling for me. I will insist on a home audition -- I totally agree this is only fair especially at these prices. They said I should bring the speakers to them. To be honest, I was flabergasted. I mean they are not easy to transport -- the amps are so much easier.

I will let you all know how it goes and yes please keep rooting for me. It really helps. You have all really helped. In fact, you have already changed my mind to hear the 170 or 200 IQ. So, I am taking your advice and checking into it thoroughly. 

I use a single VAC Phi 200 to drive some TAD CR-1's that are a challenging load, and they handle it well - - been enjoying this match for 18 months now.  The VAC has drive and pretty good bass grip for a tube amp IME (easily better than the EAR 890 I was using before with 8 KT-90's).  Looking at the impedance and phase curves of the Sabrina, I'm thinking the Phi 200 would drive them well, too (using the 1-2 ohm tap, like I do for my TAD's).

Regarding tube upkeep, I did have a couple of the Shuguang KT-88 tubes die on me prematurely, where it seemed that their internal structure fatigued apart due to the on/off thermal expansion.  No drama or troubles other than having to get a replacement.  This happened in my first of four years of use.  I moved to Gold Lion KT-88's matched beautifully by TC Tubes and have had just solid performance, no troubles, and slightly better overall sound for my system (a bit richer in tone, while still being extended - - TAD's like that).  Setting the bias on the tubes is really simple with the VAC system, takes only 60 - 90 seconds, and I have experienced virtually no drift over time.

I listened to a lot of SS amps, but I keep coming back to tube amps because of that same magic that you are hearing!  I'd easily go with the VAC, but you certainly should hear them in your system and home first.  Any dealer selling equipment of this cost level should get behind a home audition, IMO.
Good news. The stereo store owner has offered to do a home audition once I confirm the amp (or two) that I have narrowed it down to. That is a relief. And, they are getting in the 200IQ in a week so I can also hear that. All is moving along and all of you who contributed to this thread played a major part. As I say each time — THANK YOU. Whatever experience or advice you have to share is really welcomed and is being digested and used in both my negotiations with the store and my own listening education. Hey, should we start talking about great songs to use for an audition!!!!!! LOL
Well I'm glad that the store owner is behaving reasonably,  the audition of the amplifiers with your speakers is ideal. Now all you have to do is listen and trust your ears. 