Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter.

Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter. I'm looking for a cable that can play those high notes and cymbals and it won't sound like noise.
Zeal if the sound is not what it should be how do you know the issue is the wire and not elsewhere?

Imask becausevaudioquest makes good quality products and I have not heard big differences with various digital wires compared to dacs and other components in the chain. 
I don’t think WyWires Gold or Platinum cables contain those metals as well. I own many silver Clear Day Cables; their speaker wire, single and balanced cables and they are not bright... revealing but not bright. My dad owns Kimber KCAG, AQ Lapis, Diamonds and whatever speaker cable that was under the Dragon back then and none of them are bright either. I can’t speak for all silver cables but the ones I know well are not bright.

I think most people just assume silver cables are bright and probably have never heard them personally or maybe they have and their system or room is just bright anyway. Many of the silver clad cables can be bright and I’ve always felt those cables have "Smeared" the subject. I do agree that WyWires probably should have given more thought to their cable names, but nonetheless they make great cables.
Try Silnote.. They are all over Audiogon. Mark's a good guy and should be able to make you any length you need if you speak with him.
Purist Audio Design, the Genesis Luminist SPDIF has fantastic detail, great frequency balance, very transparent, with a generous soundstage.  Purist rules!  :-) 
Creative Cable Green Hornet...I have one and also have a Nordost Valhalla...although the Valhalla is more extended and airy with a snappier mid, the Green Hornet is just as smooth (in my rig) and I actually prefer it on my Sonos.

if you need Toslink: Audioquest Vodka. It's even closer to the Valhalla for frequency extension, but lacks the overall refinement.