Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC

Hello, I am new to this forum but I have a question. I am trying to pair an amp + DAC with my Wilson Sabrinas. I have listened to Jeff Rowlands integrated with the Aeris DAC. And the VAC Sigma integrated with the Aeris DAC. Price is a factor and so is space. Does the 625 need a pre-amp? Any suggestions or thoughts? 
It is possible for me to audition the Momentum with the Wilson's. The Wilson dealer also sells D'Agostino. But the price is crazy for me! I am barely scraping to afford the VAC and the JR is even a bit more. I have no doubt it is stunning in many ways!! Thank you for you suggestion. I will also seriously consider the JR. It is also beautiful in its weight and clarity. I started the thread because it is a hard decision and both amps have their benefits. Will let you know.
If the D'Agostino amplifier exceeds your budget I wouldn't even think about it.  This is where High End audio gets people frustrated and in trouble with spending.  You'll find a terrific amplifier within your price range to match your Sabrinas,  very possibly today 😊
Sounds like fun and done the right way.   Sure to be a winner in the end. 🏆

Charles, that was exactly the point I was trying to make about the ARC tube integrated; it makes sense that other tube product should also be able to synergize with the Sabrina's as well. And Knghifi, just as a data point, the presentation with the ARC GSi75 did not display bloated bass. Maybe setup in the room needed tweaking? When I heard the Sabrina's with D'Agostino Momentum Amp and Preamp, that was very sweet too. I could have been very happy with that setup, but it is well outside my budget. Again, still fun to dream. I hope that while I'm at THE Show in Newport in a couple weeks that I can hear the Sabrina's with some other amps/preamps that also synergize.

Rinpoche, great to hear the dealer will bring over equipment for you to audition; at this price range that is expected really. I hope that includes the DAC or DAC(s) that you plan to drive the amps with too. Then you'll know exactly what you will have when the check is written or the credit card is read! Hope you are having fun. And take Charles' advice, if the D'Agostino gear is not in your comfort zone that's OK, there'll be something that is and you'll be very happy as well.

Well rinpoche curious and very interested folks here want to know what you heard.  I hope it was a fun and insightful audition today 😊