Do female audiophiles exist

I've hear of UFO's , and Bigfoot, but never seen one!

I've never heard of an audiophile from the opposite sex, and never seen one either.

willgolf, you’re just going to have to get your wife to understand the necessity of a listening room in your new house. That will be yours and she can have the great room all to herself.  It's cheaper than a divorce.
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Although I never followed from the beginning, I assumed "Elizabeth" was a male.
audiowoman:, You should have nothing to prove, IMO. It just helps to post on ongoing listening thoughts now & then. To be a music lover is more important than being an "audiophile".

@ path2one, I hear you. @ sbank, thanks. @ slaw, just a thought, I would think not all music lovers are audiophiles, but aren't all audiophiles music lovers?