Is any body going?

Will be there in full force - 4 rooms - In room 1415 displaying our Liberty Audio Products , a complete Highend system for $15K, Preamp / DAC, Phono Preamp, Power Amp and Speakers. 

In Room 1413 with Madisound, featuring a new kit we designed for them using top of the line ScanSpeak Drivers,  this system will also feature all Liberty Audio Components.

Room 1148, A complete PBN Audio System featuring our Olympia Amplifiers and Montana Loudspeakers - all wired with Purist Audio Design

Then Room 1149 with a Pair of our Liberty Speakers, and a GrooveMaster Vintage Direct DP6, sharing here with Purist Audio Design and Allnic electronics.

Good Listening All, hope to see you there

I have always enjoyed going to THE Show (Newport Beach, June 3-5).  For me, the best part is discovering new music that I can listen to at home on my audio system. It is fun to visit the many rooms and listen. Yes, some rooms sound great and others not so great.   If you have any questions, this is a great place to listen and to get some answers.   

Everyone is very friendly, helpful and it is a great place to meet new people and see the new equipment.  The live concerts are great for listening to the real thing. It is amazing the prices I see on some of the equipment.  

It is a fun weekend.  THE Show in Newport Beach is highly recommended.

I plan on being there. One of the rooms I want to see is Tonian Labs to see what Tony is up to. He's made a new driver and it looks really interesting. 

I'll try to hit all the rooms I can this time, daunting as it will be.

All the best,