Great bookshelf or small towers suggestions

I'm looking to upgrade my main speakers for home theater/music setup.

Currently have Sound Dynamic 300 ti's that are about 16 years old. I have a Marantz 5009 AV receiver and some Orbs for side and back channels. I have a sound dynamic center speaker too. The room is 11x15 with a fairly low 7' ceiling. I want to replace the LR main and Center speakers.  Budget < $5K.


Soundwise I am after improved brightness and up front treble and mids. I am not the biggest bass nut - a) I have downstairs neighbors and b) I've played drums for 40 years and have heard it all. I hate being bounced out of my seat every time stuff explodes and mainly want to hear dialog better for TV and clearer more sparkly acoustic pianos and spangalang of cymbals like they're in the room with me.

So far from what I've heard in stores, I liked the Magnepan .7's a lot. But they just won't fit the space. Too wide and didn't pass WAF. I listened to a few other speakers - mid level B&W's, Golden ear, martin logan, and so far little compared to the magnepans except maybe the BW 805D3's - which are way over my budget. I thought about looking for used 805d2's. I did like a pair of Focal 714's and could probably live with them. But this is the last pair of speakers I ever want to buy. So I keep coming back to thinking about the new 805's or something close.

I've been interested in a lot of the factory direct speakers like the Sierra Tower & 2's but it bothers me to buy speakers I can't hear first.

Any advice appreciated.

It's quite a surprise that the focal 714 did stand out against the others you've listened to... Such an inexpensive speaker.
I am thinking about getting a pair, but there's no dealer around me.
what did you like about them? Midrange definition, forward or laid back, bright?
i am worried that at this price point they would sound boxy.

Without question my favorite speakers in this category are the... WaveTouch Audio Grand Tetons.  Few speakers at any price sound better (professional reviewers' and show opinions, not just mine) - they do it all, for a "pauper's price."  And they're efficient as well.  

I've got several superb speakers, all of which are virtually as "good as it gets" - and the Grand Tetons are right there with them.

And... they offer a trial period - nothing to lose by proving me right.
I did like the Focal 714's. I heard them next to the magnepan .7's and various golden ears (which I didn't like) and they sounded good - great for the money.  I will give them more of a listen. I'm not sure what the diff is between the 714 and 716 other than for some reason the smaller speakers are more expensive though.  

The wavetouch looks interesting. But it seems to be very directional and living space wise, I'd rather have something that has a narrow sweet spot.
Out of curiosity I looked around, and it seems the 716 has a higher list price, but the 714 a higher selling price. maybe manufacturer incentives. One uses dual 5 1/4 the other dual 6 1/2 so maybe a very different sound.
the closet dealer is 3hrs from my house unfortunately.  When i will have cash, i'll order a pair of 714 and see how they compare to my regas.