best integrated amp.

I'm thinking about buying a new integrated in the 5k to 7k range. My main speakers are Maggie 1.7s.Any suggestions?
Classe has the most disjointed time arrival I've ever heard.  Listen to a stand up bass as an example...the fundamental, the upper harmonics, and the nails on the string are totally out of sync with one another.  It's almost like they are out of phase.  Truly bizarre sounding product.  So soft and so boring too.  Amazing that anyone who actually listens buys it.  This is a very subjective hobby, it takes all kinds I guess?

Evening my friend this is such a subjective question. I have owned the 1.6, 3.6 and now the Maggie Mini's as my primary listening system.  When I owned the 1.6 and 3.6's I had them paired with a Bryston amp and a Marantz pre amp and the sound was heavenly.  But sound is so subjective that I would not put a $$ figure on it unless you are looking to just spend between 5-7k.
When I purchase the Mini system it caused me to sell my 3.7's and make them my primary listening system because I spend 90% of my time in my study. When I made the switch I listened to NAD, Wadi and I settled on Peachtree. Initially I purchased the Nova 125 and then I upped the power to the Nova SE 220
Both of these intergrates were a perfect match for my listen pleasure. Then I was told by one of my local dealers that by switching to one of a couple different intergrates I could get more sound out of my Maggies. It was suggested that I listen to the Parasound Halo, the Moon Neo (can't remember the model number) and the Hegel h160. After reading extensive reviews I was sure I would be upgrading with either system over the Peachtree. So, I sold my Nova 220 and I was sure I would fall in love with either the Parasound or the Hegel.
Boy was I wrong. The Parasound was to bright for my taste and the Hegel h160 despite the rave reviews caused my Maggies to loose their dynamic edge on the mid to upper end. After 4 days of listening to the Hegel which had about 150 hours of burn time before I got it, I returned it and learned a valuable lesson. My subjective ears was in love with the marriage between the Maggies and Peachtree.

I ended up going back to Peachtree with their new separates Sona Dac/ pre amp and their Sona Amp 150 into 8ohm 280-300 into 4ohm. Peachtree is using the ESS 9018 Saber chipset which has an awesome sound.

I believe you should let your sound preference drive your purchase, cause spending big bucks and reading rave reviews means nothing you hear the perfect sound for you.

Peachtree will allow you to demo any of their systems for 30 days and provide you 100% of your money back. So you have nothing to loose.

From one Maggie owner to another.    

Thanks to your responses im going to upgrade to the maggie 3.7s and upgrade to an integrated in the future.Ive never heard the 3.7s there are no dealers in my area here in west virginia.But I have to say if they sound better than the 1.7s they must sound great!
With planars like Maggies the more surface area you have the better the ability to reproduce low frequencies. The 3.7s or 3.7i's will be an improvement as expected, especially in a larger room. Mye stands or similar are also worthy of consideration for any Maggies. 
So after getting a recommendation of every integrated amp on the planet, what do you think? Cheers,