Setting SRA on Rega?

Looking at the stylus of my dyna 20x2 with a magnifier lens today I discovered that the SRA was way off. I have 2 x 2 mm spacers under the rb700 and the arm is quite parallel to the platter if not tailed up! Is it normal that even in those theoretically fine conditions the SRA is not correct? Or is a defect of my cart? Should I put others shimmers to further raise the arm?
Matt, when I say the back I mean tha part housing the cantilever. I don't know how to call it exactly but it's not really the tail. The arm is already lifted 4 mm with 2 spacers (yes with rega you can set vta). The arm is not even parallel but a bit higher on the back. I even remuved the mat to see if the srt would be better but it seems the 2mm would make much difference. I start to wonder if a fine tune of the sra really matter. Right now I'm more concern with the suspension of the cantilever.  It doesn't seem collapsed but respect at other pics I saw it seems to run lower.