T.H.E SHOW 2016 - An Exhibitors Persective

I did this once before briefly a few years ago, and have been asked by many to do it for the again. So I will try to put in as much as possible for one last view of this.

Generally planning for a show can start 1 month before - like at Capital Audio Fest or 1 year before, as in THE Show, Axpona and RMAF. All shows encourage repeats with goodies, as well as the ability to keep the same room. The same room could be good or bad. New good rooms are hard to come by, so sometimes the bad room is the devil you know. The line for good rooms is very long and usually starts a few years ago to get into the back of the line. Then you hope either exhitibtors consolidate or don't do a show, and the room is yours or you move up the line by 1.

I tried bribing the organizaers, getting them drunk, sending pictures of them hugging speakers to their wives but nothing worked. So we are at the rooms we are at for a reason.

This will be my 2nd year at THE Show. Richard Beers, RIP and God Bless his soul, picked this room for me 2 years ago when he first move to this Hotel. So while I had the pick of rooms, it was only the small rooms that were left. It is at the top floor, near the elevators and across from some very big rooms. Nice as everyone comes to the top, then walks down. Traffic is excellent, access is good and the views are very nice. It is also quiet. There is not too much bass problems. The ceilings are a nice 8 feet.

More to come. I will post as many pictures as I can. Let me know if you would like something specific to be covered and I will do it if I can. 
Hello Merrill,

i am looking forward to Veritas Monoblocks and Christine Reference Pre-amplifier audition.  See you on Friday. 

Thursday is done and we spent from 5am to 8pm arranging, talking, meeting. Finally got everything in place. Spent about 1 hour to get the imaging and stage correct. We now have it with precision, deep and wide stage without instruments being wider than normal.

Started tuning the bass but we were too tired to finish, so will start again this morning at 6am.  We already had about 50 people come through although it was not opened officially yet. Mostly press, friends of the press, SF Audio society, LA Audio Society and so on.

Here is a link to the setup. Note the Stillpoints rack is 200 pounds fully assembled!


Will you be showing the German Physiks speakers at capital Audio Fest as well?
Yes, we might be showing at CAF, not decided yet due to scheduling. Will let you know.
Started at 5am Friday morning. Still too much bass boom and the imaging was not correct. Turntable required some more alignment. We did not have a ground wire which seem to work with the Jens Phono stage. So a lot to do before we start today.

Fortunately everyone was up early. Started with the Bass. Got that done in 2 hours, which is great! Got the music playlist setup with some difficulty

Fremmer came in the day before while we were setting up. Not that it was better - not the best, sent him a note to come back on Sunday. So hope that was good.

While the doors don't open till 10, we started to have folks come in at 9am. A quick tidy up for the room and off we went. Must have been about 200 people for the day. Steve Rocklin (Enjoy the Music), Ron Nagal (Enjoy the Music). We have more from Stereophile, TAS, PartTimeAudiophile etc. A brand new writer for PartTimeAudioPhile - Mo, was a sharp person, with a very good ear, and keep with Scott Hull's wonderful termperment, Mo is simply delightful.

Richard Beers memorial was at 6pm, so we shutdown exactly at 6am.
We had dinner with the San Francisco Audiophile Society Officers. Such a great bunch of people. Alon Sagee took over a few years ago and has done some wonderful things for that society, rebuilt it with this group of excellent officers. 
Going back, Uber could not find us. 11pm at night and we were waiting more then out 10 minutes for Uber. 

It was a good night but exhausted.