I love the Bryston/CAT Combo, although I think going from Bryston 7s to 28s was a total waste of money as I never even approached the 7s capability in terms of watts......all in the name of headroom. I believe strongly that the CAT preamp (in production for 30 plus years) is still the pinnacle of tube preamps in the under 10k range.......in terms of overall musicality and all the intangibles, it checks all the boxes.......I use Grover Huffman cabling throughout my system with the exception of my digital cables, which are Stereolab Master Reference.....
Here's the system when I had the Bryston 7bsst2's..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_cJrj5DwwQ..I have also changed my cartridge from the Kiseki Purple Heart to the Transfiguration Proteus....everything else is pretty much the same.....although it's all in a different house/room now