Another "Which DAC?" thread.

I've got a serious itch to finally a pretty good dac.  I'm looking in the sub $1500 range either new or used.  On my short list is the Schiit Gumby, PS Audio NuWave DSD and the Wyred DAC 1 LE.

I'm 64 and as most of us at this age have a bit of hearing loss.  It's not what it used to be.

My system is very moderate by most standards.  I have:

Quad 2805 speakers fully upgraded by Kent at Electrostatic Solutions
Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated
Modest Nordost cables throughout
Cambridge Audio CXC transport

The DAC I have is a DacMagic 100

I mostly listen to ripped files, (AIFF) through a MacBook Air with Amarra and Tidal.

As of this moment I have over 2000 ripped cds and not one high rez file.  That may change, maybe not.

So here's the question; will I hear much of a difference? 

And of the three DACs on my shortlist, do you have preference for any one?

Thank you all for your help.  I've been reading about dacs for about a month and am more dizzy and confused now than when I started.

Thanks in advance,


Hi @jzzmusician, I am in the same boat and age. However, the DAC I'm using now, Geek Out 1000, will handle PCM up to 384 and DSD256 so the few files I have in those formats play fine in my system. 

As itchy as I am, I am waiting a bit longer to see if Tidal offers any music that is MQA as they have promised. Even if its only a few titles by this autumn, I will then acquire an MQA capable DAC.

If no Tidal content is available by autumn that is MQA, then I will probably acquire a DAC capable of DSD 256. In addition, it will need a decent headphone outphone and must be remote controlled - the DAC will also have an input from my TVs Toslink out. I am thinking Mytek Brooklyn. 

I wish the Schiit was remote controlled and DSD capable.  I haven't ruled out a PS Audio Directstream or Directstream Jr. 

I really like the quality of sound of DSD on the few albums I own so I imagine I will be acquiring a select few from my future purchases. 

If I had any one of the three DACs you listed in my system right now, I would probably stand pat - except for the remote control aspect of the Schiit.

The Gungnir Multibit sounds incredibly natural with redbook, the Schiit filtering and R2R architecture really does a great job. People who hear it in a good system think it must be much pricier than it is. You can return it for a small restocking fee if you don't love it. 
If you try it, play it on repeat for a ~100 hours before you critically listen as improvement during burn-in is significant. Cheers,
I use the lower end model, Bifrost Multibit, and am very happy with the sound. I got it because my McCormack DAC doesn't support USB.
I have to say I prefer the Schiit and will be sending in the McC for some updating soon.
Whether you will hear much of a difference depends on your tastes and how good your ear is.  Try a $1500 dac with a return privilege and try it in your system.  You'll either hear it or you won't.  Just don't judge it until it's on for a couple of days at least.  When I moved up to my first good cd player, I was immediately taken with how real it sounded compared to what I was using.  It was night and day.  Luckily, a you can buy a lot of stuff now that you can return, so your risk is minimal.  Good luck.