I listen to turntables as well as digital ,for someone to make a blank statement records are better is total system dependent
dynamic range far better at least 20-30 db more capable
the most bits a turntable can produce is roughly 12.5 not even basic cd standard ,noise floor S/N ratio not even close the analog
sound and resolution good digital has very much so .i play my flac
files directed through my iPad off a dedicated player
for example a Outstanding buy Schiit audio ,sold direct.
the Multibit Gungnir, $1300 dac, or their top dog 2,300
these multi bit dads are their design 21 bit is max that can be extracted at the moment . Go read their white papers .these 24 bit
dads,and 32 bit are all in theory. It is what is the end readable amount Mike misfit ex Theta digital engineer using their own design using Analog devices chipsets. Are without question
unbeatable even at 2-3 x their prices and many awards.
that being said you need quality cables , power cords
and digital cords .now these little regen units clean the 5v that corrupt the digital signal. Up tone regen plug it in and here the difference.with these days or , the Vacuum tube$5k Lascala ,
or $7k . Lampuzator any of these will player beautiful analog sounding music ,without the hassle !!