Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs

Ok people im curious  
what is the price range of you entire analogue set up vs your spkr s with cables .. I often wonder what a guys table set up is when he is running a set of wilsons , or the 25k tt guy ..
my tt setup is about 75-80%  of my spkrs with cable , but i have a sub I occasionally use lol add another $$ so with that probly 60 -70% 
Darkstar1, I agree completely with the chain is as strong as its weakest link philosophy, and I’ve stated exactly that in a number of past threads. And I am in essential agreement with everything else in your post.

What I was disagreeing with is the notion that a turntable has any particular likelihood of being the weak link in a system, compared to the speakers and electronics, AS A RESULT OF being first in the chain.

Mmakshak, assuming that you’ve read both of my earlier posts in this thread (the second having added clarification to the first), and assuming that both posts came across clearly to you, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Although I recognize that there are many audiophiles who would agree with you, and that the Linn philosophy did gain significant traction over the years, after Mr. Tiefenbrun introduced it.

Mostly unrelated to all of that, but having some relevance to the original question, I would add to what has been said the thought that for a given level of quality what a speaker can cost often tends to vary dramatically depending on its maximum volume capability (or more specifically, its ability to comfortably handle high volume dynamic peaks, such as are often found in well engineered minimally compressed recordings of classical symphonic music), and also depending on the deep bass extension the speaker can provide. And the extent to which those capabilities are necessary or can be compromised will of course vary greatly from listener to listener, which is one of the reasons why the ratio of speaker cost to front end cost tends to vary so much among different listeners.

-- Al

Mostly unrelated to all of that, but having some relevance to the original question, I would add to what has been said the thought that for a given level of quality what a speaker can cost often tends to vary dramatically depending on its maximum volume capability (or more specifically, its ability to comfortably handle high volume dynamic peaks, such as are often found in well engineered minimally compressed recordings of classical symphonic music), and also depending on the deep bass extension the speaker can provide. And the extent to which those capabilities are necessary or can be compromised will of course vary greatly from listener to listener, which is one of the reasons why the ratio of speaker cost to front end cost tends to vary so much among different listeners.
Couldn't agree more. Some of the high dollar speakers I have heard had deep bass, played loud and had hyper resolution. Lucky for me ultra resolution and playing really loud don't do it for me and I can easily compromise on bass. So yeah I can be satisfied with a cheaper speaker than many people. Probably why my analog has more money in it than the speakers. The speakers never seemed to disappoint me when the cheaper source did. 
I,d rather hear a clean source thru mid grade speakers ,then  mid grade source through high end spkrs .Balance is key(as a musician),I grab my prs or my martin guitar and plug it into a decent amp(even a practice amp ) vs grabbing my mid grade epihone and play it through a nice tube marshall ..I plug the prs into the tube marshall ..But again i believe the room acoustics play a large role in the overall performance of spkrs.The tt is gonna perform its task in any room(yes a good match cart tonearm etc ) just my two cents. with my sub I,m about even,not because i chose it just went that way.I can say it will overtake the spkrs when i step up in level with cartridge.currently i run a benz ace (classic 1) 

I also believe that at a level ,you determine what that is** .The speakers will overtake the tt. If you have a 200k pair of wilsons in a custom room ,well it will be an expensive anolgue rig ,but cost to me doesn't mean great sound in all cases ..

First: value judgments or statements are not ''truth-functional''.

Second: we all think in the same way; from our premisses to

our conclusions or deduction. Different opinions means different

premisses not ''different thinking''. So one should make his premisses

explicite . My is as already mentioned the fact(?) that speakers

are the weakest link in the (system) chain. Consequently I spend

the most of my money for the speakers. The ''ratio'' is not exact

but in my case about 4x more than for my analogue front.

If the premiss is that anyone is free to decide for himself than

why we need any justification for our choice? That is to say

that mentioning our reasons is the same as mentioning our
