Adcom a weak link?

Interested in your opinions. My bedroom system in JSE .6 speakers, Atoll Pr5.1 and Adcom 7400. I'm using 2 channels of the Adcom. 

I've read mixed reviews on Adcom. I want to get the most out of my system, of course.

Would you replace the Adcom with a 2 channel amp, preowned under say $700? Or my other interest is a Nuprime IDA8 integrated.

I like the Atoll, that's why I'm considering another amp. My ears are not sophisticated, so if you feel the improvement would be highly subjective, please say so.

Unfortunately, no local dealers near me to demo, etc.

Hmm, I'll have to think about this.
How much power do you need for your speakers?
50 wpc of quality power will probably be fine. (if I even need that much.) I'm sending the low frequencies to a sub and don't listen at high volumes. 
if you're asking as a general matter whether upgrading your amp will make a significant difference, i think most  would agree that it does. i never had the 7400, but i had the 5400 (which i believe is the same series and general architecture) as well as the 545 and 555mkii (which was very good). the 5400 was okay but (as others have opined) not as transparent or detailed as my (comparably situated) parasound hca, acurus or b&k.
And, can I ask, what speakers are you using/considering? Also, is it a small or large room? Do you want it loud or are just listening and relaxing?

FYI- The speakers are Infinite Slope .6 and Silverline Minuet. The bedroom is approx 16x14 with speakers on the 16' wall. I listen at low to moderate volume while relaxing, reading, etc.