Riser for record player on top of receiver?

I just got a receiver, record player and speakers.

I was thinking of putting the record player on a riser above the receiver.  Anyone have suggestions for any, and thoguths on how high it should be above the receiver, so the receiver has proper ventilation?

It's a Marantz 2245 receiver.
..just go to Home Depot and make your own....   Have a couple of inches clearance - but depending on the design of your turntable I would make it light for a Linn type, or very solid for a VPI type turntable.
An important consideration may prove to be RFI. This is an unknown factor until one actually experiences it. Good luck!
You really should never put anything (especially a turntable) on top of a receiver.

The receiver has a transformer that can cause EMI noise and like mentioned above, RFI from the tuner section.