What's going on with the audio market?

Recent retail sales reports are very bad and I am hearing that sales for audio equipment have been nonexistent over the past few months.  I also see more dealers putting items up for sale here and on other outlets.  Even items that have traditionally sold quickly here are expiring without being sold. 

To what would you attribute the slowdown?  Have you changed your buying habits for audio equipment and, if so, why? 
This may be the "Big Payoff" for us loyals who spent our disposable income on gear instead of boring things like houses. If you've paid your dues and know what's what, you can (finally) pick up some bargains and have a reference quality system for half off.
Now if we would legalize weed, I could fade away in peace with the ultimate tweek.
Weed is legal in Colorado and I never heard anyone pay attention to it in Wyoming, Alaska and parts of California. 
These locations are too isolated. I want to be in the Nashville area (the hub of the wheel) which is a days drive from most anywhere in the country. I hear it will be a long time until any pot progress is made there (Bible belt) short of the Feds easing-up. Poor Me.
I have been into music and equipment that makes recorded music sound great since the 8th grade (now 30 years since college graduation :)). I have really enjoyed picking and choosing/upgrading my audio gear over the years. As I became more aware of what I liked, I talked to dealers and more learned audiophiles than myself. I have put together a system now that I really enjoy and do not have "upgradinitis". Well, maybe a liitle bug to research more info on cables that do not cost more than my BMW. Even with the false Stock Market highs, the economy for the middle class is not healthy. It seems more dealers are concentrating on a few $100,00.00 sales than many $5,000.00 sales. That said, one can buy (either used or new) a great sounding system for a decent price. I read but do not believe audio magazine reviews and hyped up marketing mumbo-jumbo. It is a tough sell to the younger generations who cannot fathom to actually sit down and listen with heart open to great music. They love their music on the go, at raves/concerts and driving in cars.
With Brexit, now what will happen to British audio?   A buyer's market ahead?