jay23, I think you might be misconstruing what is on the web site.
However when I talk to Rick I will ask him if he can clarify a bit.
Now, let me see if I can explain about the 10amp "limit" NOT, on the Hemisphere.
There is NO current restriction on the Hemisphere based on its design. It is because of UL requirements that are part of the IEC inlet that is rated as 10amp. This is the same one used by many other Audio OEM but many can and do ignore the fact that it is UL 10 amp.
Now, that does not mean that the Hemisphere is only capable of handling 10amp. Rick said it can easily handle 15amp (and more) but he 1) does not feel comfortable saying that when the UL does not rate it that and 2) he is looking to have the Hemisphere UL rated and they will not give it a 15 because of the IEC that is UL at 10.
Also Rick said that the 10amp IEC can also easily handle 15amp.
So, he told me that anyone should not worry about that 10amp.
He also told me there is a fail safe system (passive that can reset itself) in the Hemisphere in case of an overload but that the wires in your home would fail before the Hemisphere would.
And it is NOT in the direct power path so it will NOT effect current.
NO, do NOT ask. I can NOT explain or tell in any way shape or form.
At this time it is TOP SECRET.
However when I talk to Rick I will ask him if he can clarify a bit.
Now, let me see if I can explain about the 10amp "limit" NOT, on the Hemisphere.
There is NO current restriction on the Hemisphere based on its design. It is because of UL requirements that are part of the IEC inlet that is rated as 10amp. This is the same one used by many other Audio OEM but many can and do ignore the fact that it is UL 10 amp.
Now, that does not mean that the Hemisphere is only capable of handling 10amp. Rick said it can easily handle 15amp (and more) but he 1) does not feel comfortable saying that when the UL does not rate it that and 2) he is looking to have the Hemisphere UL rated and they will not give it a 15 because of the IEC that is UL at 10.
Also Rick said that the 10amp IEC can also easily handle 15amp.
So, he told me that anyone should not worry about that 10amp.
He also told me there is a fail safe system (passive that can reset itself) in the Hemisphere in case of an overload but that the wires in your home would fail before the Hemisphere would.
And it is NOT in the direct power path so it will NOT effect current.
NO, do NOT ask. I can NOT explain or tell in any way shape or form.
At this time it is TOP SECRET.