
I'm doing research on which subwoofers to pair with my Magnepan MG-IIIA's.   Do you have any recommendations. 

A HSU VTF 15H, with 2 or 4 Soffit Traps from GIK Acoustics and a miniDSP will beat any subwoofer without them for musicality, depth and dynamic range. 

The biggest problem in getting subwoofers for high quality loudspeakers is not really the quality of the sub but the integration. The room acoustics behave differently below 200 Hz and especially blow 40 Hz, so adding bass extension moves audiophiles into new territory.  Your room rings like a bell at low frequencies, and the bass traps are necessary before EQ will work. 

Given a choice of a $40,000 subwoofer "naked" or a single $1,000 Hsu with bass traps and EQ, I'll always take the latter.  In fact, I wouldn't do a 2-way speaker without bass traps after hearing them.  By the way, Hsu makes very very nice subs for the money. I'm not trying to knock them at all. 


I used the Maggie MMG Bass panel with my MMG's a few years back and while I'm a fan of Maggies I can't say that I found anything gainfully enjoyable with it in place. 

First of all the additional wiring was something I was trying to avoid. I eventually used a small 8 inch Rel which did the proverbial trick. Rel and Maggie usually make a good match. 

I just purchased a pair  of the new .7 Maggies after auditioning them alongside the 1.7i's. I may have avoided adding a sub with the 1.7i's but to my ears the .7's struck my ears as a better overall speaker - subjective as that may be. And I saved about $700 for that decision. 

The .7's are as articulate as any speaker I've owned, but a sub is definitely required as the listening room in the store was more near field than where I have my stereo in my home. 

I'll be going Rel again.  
Actually I've decided to go with a Rythmik L12 sub based upon some of the reviews I've read. $539 shipped for free.  
Every Rythmik sub is hard to beat at it's price point, including the L12. Direct-Servo Feedback (at $539!) among it's highly-designed strengths. Brian Ding is not your average designer.
I've decided to go with two rythmik F12G
powered subwoofers.  I need to set them up through my Quicksilver Line stage preamp.  My question is with one set of outs on the preamp what is the best way to split the signal ? 
