Will an Isolation Transformer Help My Digital?

I am experiencing noise from my digital components into my system. It presents as high frequency interference thru the speakers once the components are warmed up. This interference is being sent back to the mains and can be heard when music is being played or idle.

I’m using an ARC CD3 mk II CDP, Chord DAC, and a NAD CD player. I have a 20 amp dedicated line with Blue Circle power conditioning at the wall.
A Furman power strip for the low-current analogue components is plugged into the PC. Also feeding from the PC is a Tripp-Lite Isobar with isolated filter banks for the digital. The toroidal chokes in this Tripp-Lite power strip are not able to filter the digital noise.
My amp plugs into the wall duplex outlet.

I posted a thread earlier where it was mentioned than an isolation transformer used exclusively for the digital components might resolve the noise/interference problem.
I read in the archives about the use of a Tripp Lite IS250HG Isolation Transformer to isolate the CDP/DAC.


So, I’m asking if this would be a solution, since I don’t plan on running another dedicated line. (too many reasons to list).
Always appreciate your participation. I found a thread where you speak to using an isolation transformer for the entire audio system, as you have done in your own house.

Do you have any thoughts on using a iso transformer on the front-end of my system if indeed digital noise is being introduced?

Lowrider, I'll bet the wall-wart is a switching power supply. If so, it may be feeding noise back into your wall. Why not try an old laboratory power supply capable of the same voltage, instead of the wall-wart? "Old" being the operative word, before switchers became the order of the day.

Just a wild guess.

terry, I'm sure your right since it is a switching power supply. I plan an upgrade, but that's not a bad idea as a test. Too bad I don't work with the bench tech guys anymore.

Low- on the linear power supply, take a look at the product in the link below. I bought one in part because it was cheap, it has a large toroidal transformer, multiple channels for setting voltage and current limit (with read-outs) as well as a channel with fixed voltage/current. I am not using it for an audio component as such (rather, for one of those Acoustic Revive Schumann resonance generators which may put me in the category of "fringe"/voodoo, I dunno), but it seems like a good value.
http://www.loneoceans.com/labs/tekpower/ (Note that the writer compares it to two ’look-alike’ units that are also available, as this one is, on Amazon).
Short answer, yes a good Isolation transformer can help front end components sound better.
This would also help IMO with or without an isolation transformer: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/has-anyone-tried-these-stunning-new-cpt-power-cord

This is a bit long, but worth reading: My power filtration for my entire systems is provided by two Extreme Isolation Transformers (5 KVA each). The power goes from my main circuit breaker panel into the Xentek Extreme Isolation Transformers and then into a sub-panel that feeds all eight dedicated AC outlets into my audio systems. The Extreme Isolation transformers have a huge iron core design, noise suppression is -146 and they weigh 129 lbs. each. The isolation transformers actually sit on three 1-1/2" solid brass audio points that are on top of the cinder blocks and the cinder blocks rest on top of three hockey pucks that are on the concrete floor. I hear greatly improved musical response in all areas with no major side effects other than the production of some hum, slight heat and of course any isolation transformer is going to consume additional electricity. The hum and slight heat is not a problem for me since the transformers are located in a different room in the basement. I also think different brands of isolation transformers produce different results and most likely are somewhat system dependent. What works well for one audiophile might not produce the same results for another. The beauty of my power filtration system is I purchased the transformers used and did all of the labor myself. The total cost was well under $1000 (for the used transformers, running 8 dedicated lines and circuit breakers, etc., high end outlets not included). With that said, I improved the sound recently in my secondary system when I attached a CPT 300 power cord to my PLCX0e6 (in my secondary system) and powered my Transport, Dac, and FM tuner and the sound of my front end components were once again improved. See: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/has-anyone-tried-these-stunning-new-cpt-power-cord (same link as above).