Repair Used Focal Speakers

Can anyone advise on the process to repair a Focal Bass driver, speaker was purchased used so no dealer to work with. The speaker is only a few months old, but again purchased used from a private party. Does Focal have representation in the US to fix their drivers/speakers?


With the speaker disconnected, gently move both woofers. See if the "good" and "bad" woofer move with the same degree of freedom. If the bad one feels in any way different, then that’s your answer. Make sure your amplifier is off for this, as amps with negative feedback will resist cone motion.

They should move easily, like pushing into a Krispy Kreme donut. :)
there 1 video on youtube
Man showing problem with one bass driver of focal sopra2,seems clicking sounds coming .
The speaker will be under warranty. There is good advice in this thread.
Happy Listening!
Thanks everyone for the very helpful responses. I will contact the local dealer and see what they can do.