Looking for a 7 channel power amp to replace Krell showcase 7

I am using Krell showcase 7 now with good result in my HT. But the amp is like a grill during summer, it heats up my basement. There is also some reliability concern about this amp. I am looking for some 7 channel amp that is comparable to Krell to replace my showcase 7, which will not generate that much heat. I am using Krell S-1000 processor in HT setup with B&W 805 speakers. Balance input is preferred but not must. No fan in power amp please.
Check out these amps, 

  1. Sunfire TGA-7401 or TGA-7201
  2. NAD M27 
  3. Lexicon RX-7
  4. Anthem PVA7
  5. Marantz MM8077
  6. Emotiva XPA Gen3
  7. Outlaw Audio

Good luck! 
You said no fan, but, the one I would recommend does have a fan. However, it only runs when thermostatically required, which is not often. That amp is the Datasat RA7300. There are few 7 channel amps that will better your Krell. The ATI signature would be a close second. PM me if you would like pricing on either.
If heat is a concern, you should be looking for ICEPower or Hypex based amplifiers.  They'll stay quite cool. 

nuForce, Jeff Rowland, NAD, Bel Canto and Theta are making amps based on their modules. 

I personally own ICEpower 250 modules and they not only stay quite cool, they are perfectly neutral and to me indistinguishable from the A/AB amps they replaced. 


Thank you all. Never thought class-D before. It seems Class-D made a lot of progress in the past few years. They can be found in some real high-end brands. Many of them just use modules from ICE or Hypex which is also available to end customers. Does any one know diy kit available for multichannel amp including case and power supply? it will be fun to build one on hands. This will be for HT only, I will still keep my ARC VT100 for 2 channel listening.