Bookshelf speakers on a budget

Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. However I'm on a budget in the $400-$500 range; I know this is a low dollar amount but it's all I can afford right now. If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate them.

18" from the front of the speaker or the back? Proximity to the wall generally impacts bass response. Some speakers are more sensitive to placement than others. Some speakers are designed for near wall placement, and others benefit from being further in the room. 

(I prefer the smaller speakers I own farther from the wall on stands.)

A couple of things you may want to consider:

Box speakers come in ported and sealed designs. Some may fit your needs better than others regarding your placement options. There are articles/posts online that explain the difference, etc.

The other issue is power. Different speaker designs require different amounts of power to get the most from them. For example, if you know you are buying a 10wpc amplifier, I'd buy speakers with that in mind. Some 'bookshelf' speakers are not efficient enough to be driven well by 10wpc. On the other hand, you won't need a ton of power for efficient speakers. You can sometimes meet the minimum power requirement listed for speakers, and although they sound good you will not get the best of them.

It's not good vs bad- just different. The thing that matters most is that you're happy with your gear/music.

Hope this helps
You could look for a pair of B&W 685s used. Likely would cost ~$350 shipped ($650 when new). They are front ported and work well close to back wall. One issue is that they require power much as the aforementioned Dali and Elacs do. Many think very highly of the Silverline Minuets, as recommended by uncledemp. They are easier to drive and sealed box but harder to find used (I have been watching for a used pair myself).  

My concern is that the FX-10 amplifier will severely limit your choice of speakers that fit your budget.  Unless you have a large listening room or like to make your ears bleed, I believe a quality SS 50wpc amplifier, one that can play into 4 ohms, can mate well power wise with most budget speakers having 86-90 dB sensitivity and nominal impedance of 6-8 ohms (allowing of a dip ~4 ohms somewhere in frequency range).  I use an NAD 326BEE (50wpc) and have driven several such speakers, including the 685s in a second system.

One last thought, I seems that you are in need of speakers and an integrated amplifier. This becomes a difficult proposition with a budget of $500 and the current list of recommended speakers. You might consider looking for a used integrated amp and purchase a pair of Pioneer BS21s, 22s or 41s which can be found for ~$100. These are a very highly recommended truly budget speaker. This will allow you to enjoy your music now, purchase an integrated amp that will drive an upgraded speaker in the future, and to develop a feel for what attributes you most desire from a speaker while exploring the speaker market at your leisure.

Good luck in your quest! 
I have a cambridge azur 551P MM Phono premap. 

Would it be better to find a cheaper, more powerful amp to drive the Dali or Elacs?

I found this list of affordable amps. Not sure which ones are "decent" or powerful enough to drive the speakers I'm looking at.
What budget do you have for an amp? Speakers?

Is $500 total budget or just speakers?

I'm piecing this stuff together overtime so I'm focusing on speakers right now. $400 is now my top limit.

For the time being I'm going to use my friend's amp until I either purchase his, or (depending on what power needs of me speakers) purchase another one.