Magnetic isolation

I was using contact based isolation for my turntable then I recently tried magnetic levitation & it is a revelation! I know it's not a new concept but the sonic benefits are superb. 
Highly recommended. 
Has anyone else experienced the same?

Exactly the same experience. Magnetic levitation is a revelation. For some a Salvation :)
What this proves is that you hear a difference between your particular magnetic levitation system and your particular "contact based" support system, in favor of the former.  From this sort of one-off experiment it is perhaps premature to generalize, but we all do it nevertheless.  It is at least worthwhile to listen for a while with the maglev and then go back to the previous shelf system, to see for yourself whether the benefit of mag lev that is apparent at first listen is a real and lasting one.

@lewm It is a significant improvement in every department. I can listen at a higher volume with clarity & with a more substantial/extended dynamic low end. 

I can listen at a higher volume with clarity & with a more substantial/extended dynamic low end.

That certainly sounds consistent with less low frequency noise and vibrations as a result of effective isolation.  

Turntable isolation is almost always a good thing.   Magnetic isolation certainly sounds like one viable way to achieve it when needed.

Vibrations a table is subject to will vary case by case but its a common plague that robs a system of performance due to unwanted low frequency noise that drains an amp of its ability to reproduce dynamics in the actual music as best it can.