Usually if you expect to get used to something in your system, it never happens and you end up wanting to swap it out. You should definitely take your time and buy what you like - you'll know it right away when you hear it.
If you like the PMCs, it's a great time to get a deal on the Twenty series since the Twenty5 series just came out. I am traveling and haven't picked up my demo Twenty.23s yet so thinking about moving up the PMC line a bit because of that.
You should also try to find a dealer that sells NEAT out there. The Motive SX2 is a very underrated small tower speaker that simply disappears in the right sized room.
If you like the PMCs, it's a great time to get a deal on the Twenty series since the Twenty5 series just came out. I am traveling and haven't picked up my demo Twenty.23s yet so thinking about moving up the PMC line a bit because of that.
You should also try to find a dealer that sells NEAT out there. The Motive SX2 is a very underrated small tower speaker that simply disappears in the right sized room.