Your single favorite component

Of all the pieces of your system you now own or have owned in the past, is there any one piece you could say is your absolute favorite piece of equipment? 

I don't know if I have an answer to my own question - I enjoy various pieces of equipment for different reasons. A turntable I've owned for 18 years, a 40 year old tuner, an amp I built myself, all in some way are pretty special to me. And so on! 
I have had many an excellent component and/or speakers over the years but I would have to say the Platinum Power PP-1 high current balanced power conditioners I use in both the main rig and the HT are indispensable in providing ultra clean/solid balanced power and without clean power, every component that utilizes AC power is handicapped IME.
No.1 would be my DIY speakers which are similar to Western Electric 753 monitors from the 1940s but use an Altec compression driver on the 32A horn.  Details are on my system page.

No.2 would be my Emotive Audio Vita power amps.  I have had them for over 5 years and they are still my favorite amplifiers even for high-efficiency speakers that don't need their power.