American Made Audio Unveils New Site For Made in USA Components

American Made Audio - Sharing my new site dedicated to companies that manufacture in the United States - both Made in America and Assembled in America.

Well over 100 companies in the United States manufacture some of the best equipment for audiophiles and cinephiles in the world. But until now there was no one place on the web to find American audio brands.

The main feature of American Made Audio is “The List” – a master listing of all companies that manufacture relevant products in the United States, shown alphabetically. Additional pages show manufacturers by product type, such as amplifiers, speakers, turntables, cables, audiophile music labels, and more, letting customers easily find brands that manufacture in America.

Still no Mark Levinson?  Where's the love?

Like all Mark Levinson amplifiers, preamplifiers, and music players, the № 536 is proudly designed and handcrafted in the USA. A dedicated Engineering Center of Excellence in Shelton, CT houses Mark Levinson engineering and product development, just a state away from small-batch production at Mack Technologies in Westford, MA by a team of craftsmen who bring all Mark Levinson equipment to life.

"both Made in America and Assembled in America"  
It seems Merrill made "The List."  Are their products not mostly based on the Hypex Ncore modules that are manufactured in the Netherlands?
@mitch2   @danielinvermont  - I have about 35 companies that people have suggested or who have written in requesting a listing. I will do a basic online review to evaluate whether it seems likely that their products are made or assembled in the US. At this point, I consider almost all listings to be provisional.

The next big step for The List is to work with the manufacturers to determine their products qualify appropriately. The goal is to have the list have a high level of accuracy. If there's anything I've learned so far, it is that companies are confused about the FTC guidelines regarding labeling.

I know of one company who claims "Made in USA" - a standard that requires all or virtually all of the value of the product to be made here - but whose products are best described as "Made in USA of 90% imported parts" or "Assembled in USA." I have kept that company off the list because their particular claim is misleading. I list other companies who assemble their products here of foreign parts because they are correctly claiming "Assembled in USA" or not claiming anything at all, but if you ask them they will tell you.

"Assembled in the USA" does not require that any of the components be sourced from here, only that they are assembled here in more than a "screwdriver assembly" (that is an FTC term meaning that the components do not undergo any substantial transformation.) 

In the end, consider The List a really useful guide and place to start. But because keeping up with the supply chain of well over 140 companies, each with many products, is outside the scope of this project, consumers will need to verify claims with the manufacturer.
I just checked the back of my recent-production Mark Levinson No. 326S preamp and it says: "Designed and assembled in U.S.A."

FWIW, I think many people consider Mark Levinson to be one of the three most iconic American hifi companies (along with McIntosh and Audio Research).