thanks . I was under the belief this forum discussion i started would give me some insight on what others are using over the years . Some tweeks are well " too out there for me " but isolating vibration from my turntable is not nor is adding sound deadning in my room or studio or upgrading cables etc to a point . I never understand why some of the " hyper elite" are so judgmental nor the novice are so unwilling to try things and decide for themselves . Perfect example does my tt sound better when it is isolated better . Yes ive proven it . Do my spkr sound better firmly planted .yes ive proven it . Does my digital sound better with a better cable .. Yes ive proven it . Does my hollowbody gretch sound different then my prs mcarty yes. My tube marshall over a peavy again yes .. Thanks for your input
thanks . I was under the belief this forum discussion i started would give me some insight on what others are using over the years . Some tweeks are well " too out there for me " but isolating vibration from my turntable is not nor is adding sound deadning in my room or studio or upgrading cables etc to a point . I never understand why some of the " hyper elite" are so judgmental nor the novice are so unwilling to try things and decide for themselves . Perfect example does my tt sound better when it is isolated better . Yes ive proven it . Do my spkr sound better firmly planted .yes ive proven it . Does my digital sound better with a better cable .. Yes ive proven it . Does my hollowbody gretch sound different then my prs mcarty yes. My tube marshall over a peavy again yes .. Thanks for your input