Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
labtec 070616

" Step back and look at how ridiculous it is to spend this much time posting about a synergistic research fuse."

I see from one of your earlier posts that you are a great fan of Steve McCormack and his modifications. So am I. Steve is one of the giants of the hifi industry. This is what he had to say about fuses.
As a high-end audio designer, I am always on the lookout for new ways to improve the performance of my electronics. It has been clear to me for a long time that anything done to improve the quality of my power supplies has a direct beneficial effect on the sound of my equipment. What has been surprising (and not a little frustrating) is how important the “little details” have become - the AC power cords, AC inlets, internal wiring, and now the fuses themselves. Like most audiophiles, I was skeptical at first - the truth is that I didn’t "want" fuses to make any difference and become yet another detail to worry about. And yet when “audiophile grade” fuses first appeared, I knew I had to try them - the quality of the AC power path is simply too important to ignore.

So I tried the fuses from HiFi-Tuning and Isoclean, and was impressed by both. Here was a simple tweak that made a larger legitimate sonic improvement than many absurdly-high-priced cables I had tried, and cost a LOT less! Being happy with the HiFi-Tuning fuses, I did not immediately jump on the Furutech fuses when they first appeared, but I kept them in mind. Since I use a number of other Furutech products in my equipment designs and upgrades, I finally gave in and ordered some fuses.

Holy Smoke! To say I was impressed is an understatement! I was very surprised to hear that the Furutech fuses were outperforming the HiFi-Tuning fuses in every respect, and installing them throughout my system brought it up to a new level of performance. The Furutech fuses have quickly become my most highly recommended tweak, and one of my all-time favorites. I urge you to try them in your own system. Check the value and size of the main AC line fuses in your gear and order some Furutechs for at least your amp and preamp. As always, your mileage may vary, but I suspect you will be impressed and pleased with the improvement in clarity, dynamics, and engagement. Enjoy!"
Steve McCormack · Designer · · Vista, CA

I think Steve would LOVE the synergistic Research black fuses.

Another thing. I also saw one of your posts railing about power cords  that cost more than $1000. Oregonpapa who started this thread has power cords that cost $3000 each. Is this one of the reasons you choose his thread for your rants?

From reading your posts I am convinced you are a genuine audiophile and I hold no grudge against you. We all form opinions in good faith from time to time. However new technologies and new products also appear from time to time. As a genuine audiophile you must remain curious or be left behind.

To all the annoying sceptics who have posted in this thread with absolutely no firsthand knowledge of the SR fuse:

Remember when you upgraded your speakers? You fool! It changed nothing! 

Remember when you bought a better CD player? You fool! The shiny new faceplate convinced you that it sounded better.  It changed nothing!

Remember when you ditched your cheap turntable for a more audiophile-grade analog source?  You fool!  It changed nothing!

Remember when you carefully positioned your speakers in order to create the best listening experience?  You wasted your time!

Room treatments?  Snake oil!

What?  No more cassette tapes? 

...I just wasted my time writing this, and wasted the time of many who might take the time to read my post.  Sorry.  I just get tired of people, who, from their self-proclaimed position of superiority, lecture the rest of us in order to convince us that we are not hearing the sonic improvements that we clearly hear. Please get a life!
I love you guys.   Hangin' out here is a lot of fun. 

Somehow I think we'll be hearing *crickets* from old Labtec for awhile.

Could the name "labtec" be a clue to his opinionated thinking?  Is the audio hobby all about measurements in his world? Not knocking the guy here, as I know a couple of folks just like that.

He's the guy who is more interested in the dwell rate of the aftermarket hot rod camshaft rather than the increased push-back in the seat under acceleration. Or, the guy in the lab coat who says that if two amps measure the same, they have to sound the same. (remember him?) 

Time for the morning listening session. Gotta go before all of the neighbors get on the grid with their air conditioners. 

Hang in there ...


Hello labtec, One of the side benefits of this thread has been the fairly frequent posting/sharing of music titles and recordings. This is due to the large number of music lovers who have participated in this very friendly thread. I’ve actually held back on more recording recommendations as to avoid drifting too far off the original topic (but can’t help myself at times 😊). I’d say there have been more recording recommendations on this thread than any other I’ve been a participant with the exception of those that had music as the original topic.

Nyame, The quote from Steve McCormack rings true for my encounter with the premium fuses. He said the fuses had as much or more sonic impact than did tube rolling or cable swapping. In some cases this has been my experience as well.
Charles,  There is only so much that can be said about a fuse.  We can talk about music until the end of time and never run out of things to say.  Plus, for the vast majority of us, fuses, cables, tubes, etc. are a means to the end--music.  Don't hold back!