As you may be aware op amps ("operational amplifiers") are solid state integrated circuit devices that are often looked upon with disdain by audiophiles. In part because op amp-based implementations tend to be less costly than other approaches. That disdain is justified in many cases, but certainly not always IMO. As is usual in audio, it comes down to the quality of the particular device and the particular design. As well as to the resolving power of the rest of the system.
I was also informed by the Rogue tech that the sound may not be quite as good through the op-amp device, but he also claimed the op-amp is a very good device.In the absence of a basis upon which to "calibrate" this statement, my guess is that it would still be a reasonable plan to initially upgrade to a separate power amp, and consider a preamp upgrade at a later time. But obviously that’s just my guess, FWIW.
The 10K minimum load recommendation, btw, is very reasonable, and most amps will meet that requirement.
Best regards,
-- Al