What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself?

So that is the question, "What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself?" I would think it interesting to know what others have found in an introspective way. This is what I have found.

1. At first I believed in the hype created by over-enthusiastic new gear owners. Most often I made mistakes in buying gear other people liked rather than listening to audio components and picking the pieces I enjoyed.
2. I found more actual enjoyment in listening to my music and my equipment rather than lust after better equipment, much of which is out of my financial reach.
3. I can learn from others on audio sites like audiogon.com. Some other sites are much more geared toward advertising than exchange of ideas and/or opinions.
4. It is ok to want a Bose Wave radio. I once owned Bose 901 speakers in the 80's.
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The joy of making.

When I retired I began to make my own gear. New skills, new knowledge, new friends. This way, I own gear which I could not possibly afford from a manufacturer.

1) That it is ok to cry when listening to a piece of music

I wept openly the first time I heard Keith Jarrett in Koln through my all tube system

2) That listening to music through a pair of decent headphones through a dedicated headphone amplifier (my choice being valve amplification) can give the same or in certain circumstances more of an intense listener experience than listening to the same piece of music played through a full size system. 

3) That I have to stop lying to my wife when I tell her that this is the last piece of kit/tweak and I am satisfied with what I have (I am satisfied with what I have but there is always that further tweak just around the corner gnawing away at my sub conscience).



That I love music and understanding the technology well enough to make proper  choices to help assure the music sounds as good as it can as well.
Great comments. Very interesting. Yes Chayro that one made me laugh. Have not purchased any audio in over two years, wife luvs this and told me we don't need a " musical subwoofer". What does she know about subwoofers?
Oh, and another critical lesson that is often not easily or quickly learned:

Be TRUTHFUL with yourself, REALLY know your priorities, and set goals accordingly.