$6 Million Dollar Man?

Hope you saw on HGTV the guy in Redding Ct with a $6 million system. It included $1 million of tube Mac amps, $1 million of speakers and his own dual NASA power supply transformers. The electric bill was $1,000 a month just for the system, which when you think about it was rather inexpensive. We need to get this fellow to put up his system on the 'gon, as it will assign all the rest of us to the hopeless class.
Glass tables, gear between sweet spot and speakers, obnoxious track lights and a polished wood floor that resembles a basketball court...can you say defraction?
My first problem in that room - besides all that equipment strewen all around the room - is equipment being in the same room with the sound system. No matter what, you're still getting feedback into the system.
The floor reflection? Yeah, it's not as big of a problem with that style of speaker (especially if it's first order crossovers). With all that reflection/diffusion throughout though, unless there's enough mid/high absorption in that room, it can sound a little bright and thin in weight. The room probably absorbs enough bass overall, given it's size. My experience with a similarly large space -particularly the main sound dubbing stage at USC - is that mid/hi aborption is needed to balance out the sound in a largish space. The floor could, I agree, use a rug thrown down likely. But I'd have to listen to that system in that room, and see more of the acoustics, ideally. Still, from what I see, it looks like a throw rug, at very least, could only help between the speakers and seating, in an "equipment room setup" type of system like this.
The little glass coffee table? Well it looks like it was intentionally kept on the small side, which is good. Better would be a firm aborptive padded top table, if you must have one.
The lights are likely high enough above the seats to not be in the eyes, and will only break up sound on the ceiling a bit, if enough of them. I'd be more concerned here with making sure they didn't rattle, if anything.
Saw it. Did you see the $10 million room with the pool? I don't think it had a sound system.