Opinions please on integrated for green mountain europas

I'm putting together a small system in a small 10 by 12 room with 8 ft ceiling. My old setup is to big for the room so I'm down sizing.Will be useing green mountain Europa's, mac mini w/ mydac,consonence cd120. Looking at Vincent SV-500, Nad 375 BEE, Rogue Sphinx, and Jolida . Want to keep it under $2000. new or used if possible. Thanks in advance for any advice. Tom G
Ag insider logo xs@2xtsugury
excellent choice for your speaker! :-) I’m a big fan of Green Mtn Audio’s time-coherent speakers. Used to own the C1.5i floor stander before i moved to ribbon speakers.
The Europa is an easy load so you could get some fine sounds from even vintage amps (just like crgolfer wrote in his post).
I used to have the Jolida 502A 60W/ch - very nice sounding integrated amp esp. with the KT88 tubes i had in them.
Heard good things about the Rogue Sphinx & NAD 375 BEE but I've not heard them myself.

Try to locate one of Gilbert's Blue Circle Integrateds...the Dar perhaps.  Read of great synergy between the two.  I've not heard it however.  Good luck.  Regards.........
I used a Jeff Rowland Concentra (first gen.), and the system sounded terrific. I also upgraded to Callistos (also first ten.).
The Rogue Sphinx is a fine amp, doubles at 4 ohms as well. Tube pre-amp section offers the "best" of both worlds. Seek out the Ver.2, lower floor noise and improved phone section. Built in Pa, USA!