Recommend small, low power but low noise monoblocks

I've long thought I'd like to go to try build an active crossover system with dedicated monoblock amps driving high efficiency speakers. (2 way system only)

What amps would you suggest?

I listen to chamber music, acoustic and some jazz at low to moderate volume levels.

This would be a computer based source.

I'm willing to entertain the possibility of a DIY route if that works best. I have some rudimentary DIY skills -- I managed a successful assembly of a Bottlehead Preamp.

I really want neutral sound with a very low noise floor. I think I prefer the no fuss of solid state but would not rule out tubes.

Any thoughts you might have would be appreciated.

For the lowest noise and extended frequency response, for a tweeter amp I would go low power (10-20w) Class A solid state.
Perhaps seeing you can diy, I would look at one of Nelson Pass small class A’s First Watt type in kit form, many clones on ebay..

I built this little 20watter classA back in the 70's measured ultra stable and flat to 150khz driving just the 4x treble panels of double stacked Quad 57's with a Decca Kelly ribbon passively cross at 10khz magnificent extended highs, (no tube could match it).   


Cheers George
I have a pair of Quicksilver Mid Mono amps and they are can run EL34, 6l6, KT66, KT77, KT88 ......  40 watts, quietest amps I've ever owned.   They make two smaller versions for more efficient speakers.