Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Oregonpapa 7.13.16

I've spent some time this morning trying to analyse what would motivate someone with "labtec's' pristine qualifications (audiologist, psychologist, sales trainer and financial planner) to make such a convoluted attack on not only me, but Ted Denny, SR in general and upon others posting here"

Why did Mark  David Chapman shoot and kill John Lennon, a man who promoted love, peace and beautiful music?  

Fortunately we can still enjoy a few miracles like Jackie Evancho.

There are many things we will never understand.
^^^  Beautiful response, nyame.

And yes ... Jackie Evancho is definitely a miracle. And its a tribute to you that you recognize this.

The first time I saw Jackie sing, she was only ten years old. Her voice was so mature and beautiful that I got goose bumps on my arms and the tears started to flow from my eyes. I realized that she was an old soul. All I could think of was the miraculous gift that God had bestowed upon this beautiful little girl. The way that she expresses herself with her hands as she sings is a miracle in itself.  Simply amazing. 

Take care ...

Its possible the folks who hear a big improvement had some issue with their other fuses to start with. How just re-seating a fuse alone could change the sound has already been mentioned.

I have no problem with people saying a product can improve the sound or did for them.

But when I hear only that it WILL improve your sound (or else there is probably something wrong with you), that is when I disconnect because that is never a realistic thing to assert.

These things always depend. The possible outcomes when making a change is always better worse or none.

My outcome was none. So was Wolf’s apparently.

Its possible that we are biased one way but obviously others may be equally biased the other way.

It always helps to avoid absolute pronouncements and keep things real.

Especially when there is no well understood objective reason for claimed performance.

What sounds good or better or not is ALWAYS just an opinion, no more or less valid than any other and frankly there is little in these fuse discussions but opinions since the facts are few and far between when it comes to establishing any truly unique value.

The point is nobody really knows why these fuses would sound better. That does not mean that they can’t, only that it is not a foregone conclusion by any stretch that they will.

Trial periods provide a much needed insurance policy for what may as well be seen as "magic" for all practical purposes, but does not change the facts.

13,492 posts
07-13-2016 3:49pm
Its possible the folks who hear a big improvement had some issue with their other fuses to start with. How just re-seating a fuse alone could change the sound has already been mentioned.

Actually that is not true, I mean other than there being some minuscule probability, let’s say 4%. The only other person who opined that there could be issues with the original fuses is the other troll, uh, I mean skeptic. Not to mention we already figured out we can eliminate variables like original fuses, fuse holders, placebo effect, expectation bias, the weather and anything else someone might wish to bring up by careful and thorough testing. You’re just grasping at straws. Look within yourself, Grasshopper. Stand by for the reasons why some audiophiles get lousy results with certain tweaks.

Dear Grasshopper ... err, I mean Mapman:

Nowhere in any of my posts will you find the statement "WILL improve your sound (or else there is probably something wrong with you)"

As I stated in several of my posts in this thread, I started out with stock fuses in all of my ARC electronics just like everyone else. I replaced the stock fuses with HiFi tuning fuses and heard a definite improvement. Not earth shattering, but an improvement none the less.

Then I replaced the HiFi tuning fuse in the REF-3 with an SR RED fuse. That was a major improvement that not only did  I hear, but my unsuspecting friend Robert (Mr. Record) heard it too right off the bat without knowing what the change was. That was the fuse that started this entire thread. 

Once the entire system was switched over to the SR RED fuses, they came out with the BLACK fuses. So, I started replacing all of the RED fuses with the BLACK fuses one by one. This was a real game changer. Mind boggling as a matter of fact. And at this date, I still have one more RED fuse to change out in the CD player. 

The improvement is not an imaginary figment of my feeble 78 year old brain. Dude, I've had some of the best listeners and an actual reviewer hear my system and they all comment on the improved artifacts such as sound stage, depth, clarity, musicality and the overall realism being obtained. And trust me, it was no slouch in these areas before I started with the fuse program. 

The system has progressed significantly over the past year with the fuses being just one change. Also included are the SR Level 3 PC's, Von Gaylord IC's, Von Gaylord speaker cables ... and SR's HFT room treatments. Combined, all of these products have created what I referred to as an amazing music producing machine in my listening room. 

Again, and I mean no disrespect here,  why you and a couple of others cannot hear what these products are doing is beyond me.

How about this: Order a ten-pack of SR's HFT's and place them around your room as directed, then report back with the results. The effects of the HFT placement in my room were NOT subtle. There's a 30 day return policy. Nothing to lose remember.