Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
@devilboy  I saw you sold you're INT, what happened? Sounded like you were really in love with that little giant killer.
@jond, yes I did sell it. It still is a giant killer IMO. The only reason I sold it is because my speakers are a bit bright and the INT, as wonderful and "warm" as it is, in the end was still too much of a good thing. Rather than open a whole new can of worms with shopping for new speakers, worrying about selling mine, etc, I chose to keep the speakers and get a new amp. I just didn’t want to roll those dice.
@jond, highly unlikely anyone will know them but they are Source Technologies 1.7 SL Reference. It's a floor standing two way with Scanspeak Revelator tweeter and 7"Revelator woofer with Mundorf silver/oil caps. You can see them in my virtual system.
I am quite surprised with your decision based on the feedback you provided and a little lost... Would you say the amp is more on the warm or the bright side?