Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Hmm, I read this thread with great interest a couple of times now and it bothers me a little that within a two month period, devilboy transitioned from what seemed "very satisfied" to "dissatisfied" to the point of selling the unit. I understand his speakers’ incompatibility aspect to this and I acknowledge how it often takes time, once the initial excitement wanes, to form clear evaluations of equipment in system and room context with other components. It’s just that, coupled with the 6 Moon’s review and the initial excitement for an integrated that has "analog" inputs universally agreed as completely unsuited for analog sources, I find it fascinating how, yet again, there seems to be the first grade soccer (all the kids run toward the ball) element to all this excitement. My conclusion is that the INT is a niche market integrated that may not be suited for everyone, despite the apparent high value of the unit relative to other Goldmund’ efforts. Not trying to rain on anyone’s parade here, only making an observation of how sometimes initial excitement can sometimes temper with time and further evaluation. Hey, I’m not immune, it’s happened to me too.

But, "Analog Input: ADC conversion for DSP correction." Sorry, that’s not an integrated amp. It’s a DAC-amp with a cheap ADC.
I have no plans at all to sell mine. It's an amazing unit for the digital only user. Not crazy about the analog input. Although if you are a primarily digital/streaming based user, the Job INTegrated is superb. I have SF Strads and JBL 4367's as well as Klipsch and KEF bookshelf speakers and I love my Job.
@devilboy Nice looking speakers and they look fairly easy to drive at 89 db and 6 ohms. Are you looking for another integrated? If you don't issues with tubes they look like a nice match for a pushpull tube amp or integrated.
@jond, thanks. Yeah, I’ve had tubes on them before and they sounded wonderful. I had a wyred4sound STI-500 on them a couple years ago and the warmish characteristic of that integrated sounded great with my speakers. I’m awaiting another one. Should be here in a week.

I’ve had them for a long time and even before I had them, the most happy I’ve been in all my 20 years in audio came twice, both times with these speakers. First time was with the Wyred4sound integrated. The second was with a Clones Audio 25i integrated. Crazy to think that the hundreds, yes HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars worth of equipment (around 200K actually), I’ve had come through my hands on 20 years in audio, the happiest and most content I’ve been was with the Wyred and Clones integrateds.

I need to have my head examined.