The merry go round. $700 seperates or integrated?

  If I have $700 to $800  to spend at most  am I better off with a used integrated say Marantz PM 15S1 or Anthem 225 as examples or do I go for the NAD/ Rotel/Adcom/Parasound  used preamp power combos.  I want phono remote and a headphone jack.   I am taking about sound quality here and not  power but would like to stay above 80w/ch  I have always preferred an  integrated amp has there is less screwing around with power cord and IC choices which just are more variables but for less then the amount listed above one came up with some nice combo pre power set ups. The speakers are Infinity RS 2.5s.   FYI I worked in the audio biz and helped countless people do this but I think I am in mid life crisis and have heard/ compared  to much gear in the last few years.  I  can hear differences pretty easily  and find much mid gear today to be thin, over detailed and unmusical.  I even tried one integrated I swear screwed up the timing of the music. I find most older gear swings but no remotes. Something like an old Luxman R117 receiver which I had last year was sure fun  Not perfect but very enjoyable.  it have had remote.   Just want to get off the merry go round.Thanks
I second the Audio Refinement integrated with a dedicated headphone amp. Both can be had for a total of $700. 
"I second the Audio Refinement integrated"

I'm sure the Audio Refinement is a nice integrated amp, however it would be a very bad choice for the OP speakers, Infinity RS 2.5. Excerpt from Stereophile review,

"the amplifier was current-limited into lower loads"

As I previously stated, the speaker is 4 ohms dropping much lower, and a very demanding load. It needs high current that is not limited.

Pretty sure a Cambridge 840A V2 will drive your speakers no problem. If you have a Cambridge dealer near you, see if they will let you drag home the newer 850A; if you like it then find a 840A.

Know Adcom amps well, especially the older units and their preamps. Unless you're going to spend some money to mod one, such as with Musical Concepts or if you know how to mod yourself a CA 840A V2 is a much more refined amp. 

If you're going to drift off to separates as some are suggestion I really don't think you're going to outclass a newer / used integrated. There's a lot of really nice older amps out there that are under your budget but it's now finding a decent preamp for what you have left for funds. If you don't get the best preamp you can for the money, you're wasting your time and money on an amp. 

If you can double your budget I agree you can likely build a better system with separates. 

The CA 840A V2 is not overly polite, laid back unit; so if you're wanting that look on. It is lively and has PRAT. Not bright or edgy but is revealing . Use decent cables, and PC and it will reward you. Very well built. When I had mine, I had B&K, Counterpoint separate amps as well and the 840A was much better. My speakers at the time were Apogee Centaurs which are fairly revealing speakers with their ribbon tweeters. 

Eventually I did replace my 840A but it took a ModWright 9.0 SWL and an Audio Research 100.2 to do it. I dragged home a lot of gear to outdo it; I'm lucky I have two great stores nearby that let me take stuff home. Best advice any of us can give you is try before you buy.
Go for an Adcom GFA555 or equivalent with a GFP 555 or 565 (preferred) preamp.

Alternatively, a Rotel RB980 or similar with a RC990.