As a happy owner of both a Rogue "Cronus Magnum+" tube amp and an Ayon "Triton" tube amp, the Raven room blew me away with their "Blackhawk LE" integrated tube amp. So much so, that the show demo came home with me after the show discount. I can say that it gives the much more expensive Ayon amp a real run for the money. The Ayon has more power, but the Raven is a remarkably great deal and would still be that at 2 or 3 times it’s price.
The Larsen speakers were astonishing in how well they filled up the room with music. We heard several genres played on vinyl, and these speakers delivered the goods on all. I would not use these for sit down critical listening, but they are remarkable if you want to surround the space with music. I need to listen to these some more...
Loved Deja Vu’s setup, always a delight and wonderful. Likewise, the DIY gear was very well done and the room seemed to be permanently occupied as a result. All in all, there were lots of great listening moments and generally the matchup between the various amps and speakers was good or in a few cases (Raven) excellent.