Capital Audio Fest 2016

Just got back.   Did not see a thread for this yet so here it is.  

For me  lots of very good sound this year.    The best as a whole I have heard.   Very few disappointments.   Some old favorites enjoyed once again and a few new finds.   Will report more when I get a chance to digest it all a bit.  

I'm of course very interested to hear about what others thought and may have discovered?

As I assisted Doug White on Saturday in The Voice That Is room showing Tidal & Brinkmann, please let me shed a bit more light.

On Friday, after a comment was made, Doug acknowledged there was a problem that sounded like a simple out-of-phase wire swap and spent some time during the day troubleshooting in between visitors to the room. After Friday’s show ended more evaluation led to the decision to demo digital only on Saturday until he could clearly identify the issue. At that point all indicators pointed to a likely problem with the cartridge. Friday night was filled with meetings so, other than confirming the connectivity, the analog was untouched knowing he could focus and would have my help on Saturday.

On Saturday, we played digital throughout the day amid many smiling faces and enthusiastic head nods. A number of folks commented about the great bass from the TIDAL Piano and wondered about the contribution of the subwoofer which wasn’t turned on. We later moved the woofer to a table top to clarify the point. Later that morning a reviewer asked to play his LPs. Doug explained the analog issue and, at his repeated request, we reluctantly agreed to play some for him anyway. In hindsight, that might have misled others that walked in at that point. We returned to digital playback only for the remainder of the day. Not used to gremlins, Doug agonized over the trouble and, late Saturday night and into Sunday morning, he had the chance to “test a million more times” finding the issue. As it turned out, the tonearm mounting had slipped during the relocation of the turntable from table to the rack resulting in a cartridge alignment/overhang problem. What appeared to sound like out-of-phase wiring, was actually an alignment problem (Van Den Hul stylus type). Admittedly, Doug stated he should have checked again despite the long day Thursday as digital was used in overall setup in not just one but two rooms. Lesson learned. Don’t do the show’s turntable setup after a 18 hour day. Get a good night’s sleep! Bringing a backup would be ideal but isn’t always feasible.

Sunday morning’s show opening was with the analog setup back and spinning at 100%. The same reviewer returned at 10:15 to hear a number of his LPs and shared his enthusiasm at the sound. Some attendees re-visited and analog was featured throughout the day.

Yes, it’s true that stuff happens during show setups and exhibitors go to great lengths to debug the issues as quickly as possible. Very often the best sound is experienced on Sunday because exhibitors work on their rooms constantly. Doug mentioned that he appreciated the attendee mentioning it to him, regrets his less than ideal experience, and extends an invitation for him to visit the Studio to experience the setup correctly - hopefully in the near future.

We appreciate all the kind words from visitors to Capital Audio Fest, the TVTI room and the Bricasti/TVTI room next door. We look forward to seeing you at the next show. Cheers,
Spencer I was in that room Saturday and I am amazed the sub wasn't turned on I assumed it was so pretty stunning bass from those speakers for their size. Also the musical selections in that room were fantastic and a lot of fun, kudos to your DJ!

Thanks for the explanation of what happened with the Brinkmann setup.  I would not have guessed that this was a misalignment issue and I can see how this was quite vexing until you figured things out.  I once got a loner turntable from a dealer while they were repairing mine.  That loner had the same kind of phase problem that could not be cured by just switching the wires to one channel.  I chalked it up to a problem with the cartridge, but, it appears that this might have been a case of misalignment too. 

One learns something new every day.

The show was once again an interesting venue to sample great hardware and pickup on some nice music to test system capabilities. The vendors are some extremely nice folks. Of particular note - Matt Early (Now Listen Here), Marco (Audio Note) and Carl Marchisotto (Nola) were most hospitable and educational. I could have spent hours in each of their rooms listening to their most musical systems.
The rooms that impressed me the most were the ones that contained the following speakers: Larson speakers at $2k, the Audionote speakers at $4.5k, the Joseph Audio Perspectives at $7.7k and the NOLA at $33k. The KEF, Tidal and Alta rooms were underwhelming and left me thinking that speed and analytical are not long term attributes that I could live with at any price point.

As a happy owner of both a Rogue "Cronus Magnum+" tube amp and an Ayon "Triton" tube amp, the Raven room blew me away with their "Blackhawk LE" integrated tube amp. So much so, that the show demo came home with me after the show discount. I can say that it gives the much more expensive Ayon amp a real run for the money. The Ayon has more power, but the Raven is a remarkably great deal and would still be that at 2 or 3 times it’s price.

The Larsen speakers were astonishing in how well they filled up the room with music. We heard several genres played on vinyl, and these speakers delivered the goods on all. I would not use these for sit down critical listening, but they are remarkable if you want to surround the space with music. I need to listen to these some more...

Loved Deja Vu’s setup, always a delight and wonderful. Likewise, the DIY gear was very well done and the room seemed to be permanently occupied as a result. All in all, there were lots of great listening moments and generally the matchup between the various amps and speakers was good or in a few cases (Raven) excellent.