What to buy....Auralic Aries, Sony Hap-ZES, or Auralic Altair?

I am in need of a new streamer/Hi Rez player, my Logitech touch is on the blink. So much has changed since purchasing the Logitech. Not sure which if wired or wifi would be better....what are the pros and cons?

I am looking for the following traits:

Great Sound
Ease of operation
Never any software glitches
Under $2000

Any info is greatly appreciated. 

Given OP's budget and "great sound" as a criteria, even if you love the Aurelic Lightning DS app, you're not getting great sound vs. the Aries with LPS within his budget. The LPS makes a big difference. Mini is targeting a lower budget and includes a mediocre built-in dac so it can be used in lower cost rigs without a separate dac. 
The Bluesound and Sonos mentioned IMHE aren't at the level of the Sony or Aurelic Aries sonically. The Sonore is head and shoulders above all of them and it isn't close. I have interest except spreading the word on what is IMHO a real game changer in this category. Read the 2 big reviews by Computeraudiophile and Michael Lavorgna and watch the video review by Hanz Beekhuyzen. They all come to the same conclusion I did. That doesn't happen too often. Cheers,
Thanks everone, there really are so many options, that is why I am trying to find out as much as I can...I don't want to make a mistake after I spend the $$. The Sonore does look very interesting. I am still going to do more investinging!

So one odd thing, despite Android phones dominating the market, many streamers, including Auralic, do not have Android control apps. That's a complete non-starter for me.

I'd have to go with a Rasberry Pi with Squeezebox emulation and fancy clock mods.


Sony. Probably the best audio buy I'll ever make. Had mine for 2 yrs and runs, looks and sounds flawless.