Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp Review

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In my experience several gears over the years, the combination of tube stage preamp and solid state amps gives you the best of both worlds.  
Well, Don, caps make a huge difference in a finely tuned system. For example, I tested two different brands of teflon cap in my RIAA stage: one was fast and clear, one was unlistenable. Now, having brought my amps to a fine edge, I found that power supply caps on the circuit board made a significant difference - replacing "mere" polypropylene f&f with MIT RTX styrene f&f did it. That's on the rails, for heaven's sake - not the signal path.

Does that "c55" part of your name refer to MB?

Of course caps make a big difference, and ARC has used very good exotic caps since the 80s, in their equipment.

But only in the last 10 years did ARC preamps take 600 hours to break in. That is 10 months, at 2 hours per day, on average. Can you return the preamp if you do not like the end results?

Bill Johnson must be rolling over in his grave!

My first ARC piece was an SP-6.  Then I moved up to an SP-14 and a Classic 60. Then went into their ref products. Each step was a definite improvement. 

On the SS vs Tube ...  I've heard some really good solid state equipment over the years even owning some myself  One of the best rooms at the Newport show was the Harbeth room. They were using top of the line Naim SS electronics. But, when it comes to organic realism in my own home, I'll take tubes every time. 

The REF-75 and the REF-75se took 500 hours to completely break in. I felt the long process was worth the wait.