Equipment Rack

Does it make sense to spend several thousands of dollars on a equipment rack, if Stillpoints are used under every component?
Also look at Core Audio Designs, I never felt the need to throw away my money in isolation tweaks. Solid hardwood construction with dampening materials in every shelf.  

I own a pair of PlyKraft's and amp stands for now 5 plus years. 

It seems from your pics that you have a concrete floor?

I have a WAY better solution for isolation if that is indeed what you really need?

ebm, ""overpriced junk". Wow!

Let's look at this objectively...

Symposium Rack ...expensive
Stillpoints ...expensive

The main issue is to evaluate products for yourself. To do otherwise is a thoughtless dream with no reality.


My floor is carpeted with a wooden floor underneath. I already have stillpoints under all of my components. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to "listen" to different racks in my system. Lets assume stillpoints do a great job of isolation. If so, why would I need to spend several thousand on a rack?
Seems like an unanswerable question.  I will say that I got my used Billy Bags rack, that cost 4 digits new, for 3 digits.  So there's that.  I'll add that even though I truly heard an immediate (and unexpected) improvement in overall sound quality when I installed the rack, I still have brass tiptoes, sorbathane pucks, and various other sundries sprinkled throughout the system!  Also, although I'm currently living in an apt. with concrete floors, prior to this I lived in a house where my rig was on the 2nd level which had wood floors (carpeted).  The rig definitely sounds better in the apt!