Advice on a Used speaker, Budget $4500

I just sold some of my speakers to thin the heard and try to step up to a better speaker.  I sold Kappa 9s, Dunlavy SCIVs, and Infinity QLS1s.  All of these were very good but I did not use them much.  In my mind I want to get either a Dunlavy IVa or V.  I am looking for a good all around speaker that does it all well, I know some speakers can do certain things better, but lack in other areas.  That is why I want the V's,  it is well known to do it all well.  It is supposed to have a nice balance.  The only thing that worries about the V, is some people say it takes allot of power and I may not have the amp for it.  I sold the IV's due to the lack of bass.  I know my room was part of the bass issue and I am in the process of having a professional help me get my room dialed in.  I listen to all music, but if I had to choose a preference it would be classic rock and blues rock.  I do love crisp vocals and if I had to pick a favorite instrument to listen to it would be the piano.  I know I like classic rock but then list the piano,  go figure.  By the way my room is very big around 500 sqft and has 8ft ceilings.  It is a basement man cave that my wife lets me do what I want with.

Here is some of the equipment I can use to power my speakers.
two Mcshaned Citation IIs
Two Mcintosh MC30s
A sumo nine
a Pass labs X250
Citation I preamp
Juicy Music Blueberry
The Dude pramp
Pass Labs X one

As you can see I have a variety of choices to work with because each speakers likes something different and it is fun to experiment with.
I would love to hear some opinions on what to look at.
Finding a pair of used VMPS RM40 speakers would be a fine all round speaker.  They are similar sized to the Dunlavy's.  Great clarity, dynamics, soundstage and bass.  You can find them anywhere from $2200-3500 depending on the upgrades it has.  I drive them with an Edge M6 at 120 watts per channel.
Get some sc-iv A's   but figure out your room.  I have iv and V both pairs as i can't seem to bring myself to sell either.  The IV's in my room have plenty of low end. The v's are a little too much low end.  Room is 18x18 with 10 foot ceilings concrete loft.
Have shag carpet on the concrete floor and back and front walls /corners are treated.  I find the dunlavys to prefer heavy gauge wire in my system
At a $4500 price point why buy something used? Get a new pair of GoldenEar Triton 2+. In fact you may be able to persuade your dealer sell a new pair of T1s at $4500.
Dear Gods, Tritons?  What a hard and merciless treble.

Listen to them for yourself, but the only time I heard these I thought the dealer was trying to run me out of the room.

They run along with the Triangle and older Thiels for a treble with murderous intent in my book.  However, for some they may be ideal, only your ears can judge.